Medical Marijuana begins…

The same day as doing my regular myeloma blood test (my doctor let me off of doing a 24 hour urine test for once – hurray!) I started taking medical marijuana – this was on June 9 2015. I don’t suppose I will be doing another blood test for another couple of months, so I wont be able to get / share any feedback on that for a while.

I discovered two things – firstly, it tastes fairly revolting – the taste of a tincture. It isn’t unbearable though. Secondly – it isn’t very easy to put two drops under your tongue! For a start – I can only manage to do it in the mirror so I see exactly how much I am dripping into my mouth and secondly – how do you ensure that it stays under your tongue?! I searched on the internet and found some useful tips – make sure your mouth is dry beforehand and tilt your head forward in an attempt not to swallow it .

I increased to 3 drops (twice a day) on 16.6.15, and will be increasing by one drop weekly. I don’t see how it will be possible to keep 9 drops under my tongue, but that is weeks away….

I felt no high whatsoever from it, which I am pleased about.

I have also made two changes that might impact upon my next lab results . When I got my labs back from 9.6.15, I was found to have low WBC (normal for me) and low RBC (not normal for me), and low iron (I’m not sure of my previous levels). I went to my family doctor and she recommended taking an iron tablet. The first day I took it I suddenly had an increased level of energy, and realized how drained I have felt of late.

The second change I have made is to go on a super strict diet. I cut out all ‘bad’ things a while ago, and have made my diet much healthier over the past year or so. But I have been so disappointed that having replaced junk food with healthy food that I lost zero weight. The only thing I could attribute it to was to eating too much dried fruits and nuts, both of which are healthy – but full of calories.

Anyway, since 28.5.15. I have cut them both out, and also bread. I have been eating the same thing pretty much on a daily basis and after three weeks I am feeling quite bored! My daily diet has consisted of: poached chicken breast or egg or tuna and bulgarian cheese (bit like feta) as my protein source. I’ve supplemented that virtually every meal with: lettuce, cucumber, broccoli sprouts, carrots, cabbage, red peppers, celery, spring onions, chives, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, basil leaves and curry powder( yum!). Sometimes I’ve had sweet potato, fennel and cauliflower. I’ve also eaten a variety of fruit – but I’m trying not to overdo it. So far I have lost a couple of kilos in three weeks – no big deal for a very restricted diet. But for someone who has always found it very hard to lose weight, I am most pleased about that.  (I need to lose another few kilos and then l will reassess the situation).

Since my smoldering myeloma diagnosis I have made my diet better but I have always been procrastinating about losing weight. My new diet coincides with my friend dying. There are two reasons behind it – the first is regarding her as an inspiration and encouragement – her life was never so easy and she made the best of things. The second is a feeling of being terrified that the same will happen to me and the realization that I can no longer procrastinate about this since who knows what tomorrow will bring?